A case of a couple harassing an Ola cab driver has come to light in Ghatkopar, Mumbai. This incident was recorded in CCTV and its video is going viral on social media. It is seen in the video that the Audi car driver first quarrels with the Ola driver. After this, he picks him up and throws him on the ground. This causes a head injury to the driver. After this, the driver has been admitted to the hospital. Later, on the basis of the complaint of Ola driver Ansari, a complaint has been filed against Chakraborty and Ghosh. They have been given notice to appear in court. The police is investigating on the basis of complaints from both sides.
The injured Ola driver has been identified as 24-year-old Kayamuddin Ansari. The Audi owner and his wife who attacked him have been identified as Rishabh Chakraborty and Antara Ghosh. The incident took place on August 18 at 11:20 pm. Ola driver Ansari was going towards Ulwe in Navi Mumbai with a passenger in his cab. According to his complaint, the problem arose when an Audi car hit his cab from behind near Asalpha Metro. According to Ansari, after this he got down and started checking whether his car was damaged or not. He alleges that during this time Rishabh and his wife Antara started abusing him. Not only this, while leaving, Antara Ghosh also removed his Ola cab device. After this they left from there.
According to Ansari, he followed and his cab collided with an Audi outside a building in Ghatkopar. After this, the Ola driver got out of the car. At the same time, Rishabh Chakraborty and his wife Antara came out of their car. He first abuses the driver. After this, Rishabh picks up the Ola driver and throws him down. It is seen in the video that the Ola driver is unable to get up for a long time. During this time, many people also gather there. Ansari was taken to Rajwadi Hospital in Ghatkopar. Later, due to severe head injury, he was admitted to the ICU of JJ Hospital.