Bad news has come from Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh. An official informed on Tuesday that Namibian cheetah Pawan has died in the forest of Kuno National Park. The cheetah died on Tuesday. According to the information, Pawan cheetah was found lying motionless on the banks of a drain amidst the bushes.
Pawan was found in an unconscious state
According to a statement issued by the office of Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (APCCF) and Director of Lion Project Uttam Sharma, the male leopard, Pawan, was found lying motionless on the banks of an overflowing drain amid bushes at around 10.30 am on Tuesday.
How many leopards are left in Kuno now?
Earlier, the death of a leopard in Kuno National Park was recorded a few weeks after the death of a five-month-old African leopard cub Gamini on August 5. Now after the death of Namibian leopard Pawan, there are 24 leopards left in Kuno National Park, which includes 12 adults and the same number of cubs.
How did he die?
When the leopard named Pawan was found unconscious, veterinarians were informed. On close inspection, it was found that the front part of the leopard’s body including the head was inside the water. According to officials, no external injury was seen anywhere on Pawan’s body. Initially, the cause of death appears to be drowning. Further information will be given after the postmortem report comes. (Input: PTI)
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