The polygraph test of Sanjay Roy, the prime accused in the rape and murder of a female doctor at Kolkata’s RG Hospital, may be conducted on Sunday. Before that, Sanjay Roy has taken a U-turn. After his arrest, Sanjay Roy had confessed his crime in front of the police. Now he has started calling himself innocent. He says that he has been framed in this case.
On Friday, Sanjay Roy agreed to undergo a polygraph test in front of the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate and said that he wanted to prove himself innocent. The consent of the accused is also necessary for a polygraph test. An officer said that the accused Sanjay Roy is trying to mislead the investigation. The officer said that Sanjay Roy has not given any clear answer about his presence at the time of the crime. He also did not say anything about the injury on his face.
The officer said, he is constantly trying to mislead the investigation. He did not give any answer regarding the injury on his face. Apart from this, he was seen in the corridor in the CCTV footage. After this, the incident happened around 4 am. He was seen in the corridor just before the incident. Earlier, Sanjay Roy’s polygraph test was to be done on Saturday itself. However, it was postponed due to technical reasons. Now the polygraph test can be done on Sunday.
In this case, six people are to undergo lie detector test, which includes former principal of medical college Dr. Sandeep Ghosh. Sanjay Roy has been imprisoned in cell number 21 in the jail. He is alone in this cell. There is tight security outside it and CCTV cameras have also been installed. During interrogation of Sanjay Roy and investigation of his phone, it was found that he is addicted to watching porn. CBI officer had claimed that Sanjay Roy had confessed the entire incident and he had also given full details. There was not even a trace of remorse in him while telling about the incident.
The CBI had questioned 15 people, including 10 police officers. On the morning of August 9, the body of the female doctor was found in the seminar hall of RG Kar Medical College. It was later confirmed that she had also been raped. 16 external and 9 internal injuries were found on the body. The doctor’s eyes and private parts were also bleeding.