A grand temple of Lord Ram is being built in Ayodhya. Ramlala will be consecrated on January 22. During this period, Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself will be present there. Big personalities and saints from across the country will also have to come to Ayodhya. Meanwhile, people are also being cheated and scammed in the name of Lord Ram. Recently, in one of our news, we had told how some people are sharing QR codes on social media. Along with sharing the QR, he is asking for donations for the Ram temple and is seen asking to contribute to the construction of the temple for Lord Ram. Vishwa Hindu Parishad had objected to this.
Scam in the name of Ram temple, be careful
In such a situation, once again a new scam has come to light. Under this scam, a message is being sent to people on WhatsApp. This message is being sent to people saying that they are being given VIP entry in the inauguration ceremony of Ram Temple. A link to a mobile app is also being sent in this message. Actually this is a kind of scam which is being sent to the people. In such a situation, if you install this application in your phone, you may have to face huge losses. Actually, the mobile phone will turn off as soon as the application is installed in the mobile. After this your bank data will go to the hacker.
One mistake will cost heavily on your bank account
In such a situation, there is a high possibility that money may be withdrawn from your bank account or it may be misused. In such a situation, everyone needs to be careful. For your information, let us tell you that only those people will attend the inauguration ceremony of Ram Mandir to whom invitation is being sent by the Ram Mandir Trust. Not everyone will be able to participate in that program. In such a situation, the general public needs to be careful and alert. It is worth noting that earlier a similar case had come to light when some people were asking for donations for the construction of Lord Ram’s temple through Facebook.
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