A major revelation has happened in the much talked about Kannauj minor rape case of Uttar Pradesh. After a search of seven days, the police finally arrested the aunt of the teenager who was co-accused of former SP block pramukh Nawab Singh Yadav, who was jailed on the charge of raping a teenager. After interrogating the aunt, the police sent her to jail on Wednesday. During the interrogation, the aunt revealed many secrets. The aunt is the main conspirator in the teenager rape case. After her arrest, during police interrogation, the aunt revealed the entire conspiracy. She told that she had physical relations with Nawab Singh Yadav for the past 6-7 years. It was Nawab who called her at night where he raped her niece.
Bua told that after the arrest of SP leader Nawab Singh Yadav, his brother Neelu Yadav was active in his defense. Bua has confessed that she gave the statement calling the rape case a conspiracy at the behest of Neelu Yadav. She was tempted with a huge amount of money to say this, so she went underground after giving the statement. She returned to Tirwa from Delhi yesterday evening and was caught by the police, police interrogation is still on. SP leader Nawab Singh was caught on August 12 for raping a teenager in his own college.
Let us tell you that on 12th August, former SP block pramukh Nawab Singh Yadav was caught by the police in an objectionable condition from a room in Degree College, Nasrapur. The girl has accused Nawab Singh of rape. In this case, the involvement of her aunt in taking the girl to Nawab Singh Yadav came to light. On the basis of the girl’s statement and the allegations of her parents, the aunt was made a co-accused. On the second day of the incident, the aunt disappeared after being accused of conspiracy. The police was searching for the aunt. Police teams were searching for her in many districts including Delhi. Here, the police got the input that the aunt was in Tirwa area. The police laid a trap and arrested the aunt from Tirwa area last evening. The police interrogated the aunt in which she revealed many secrets. On Wednesday, the police got her medical done and sent her to jail.
Was lured with money to reveal the conspiracy
During police interrogation, the aunt told that she had relations with Nawab Singh Yadav for many years. On the second day of the incident, when the police took the girl to the district hospital for medical examination, the brother of the accused Nawab Singh Yadav asked the aunt to change her statement by offering money. Due to this, the aunt took the names of some people calling the case a conspiracy.