BJP’s Central Election Committee is meeting regarding Jammu Kashmir Assembly elections. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and party president JP Nadda have arrived in the meeting. Apart from this, leaders like Dr. Jitendra Singh, Sudha Yadav, Iqbal Singh Lalpura, Satyanarayan Jatia, Sarvananda Sonowal etc. have also arrived. Today BJP will brainstorm on the names of candidates for Jammu Kashmir Assembly elections.
Elections in Jammu and Kashmir after 10 years
Elections are being held in Jammu Kashmir after 10 years. Out of the total 90 seats in Jammu Kashmir, 47 seats are in Kashmir, while 43 seats are in Jammu. With the increase in seats in Jammu division, BJP is expecting a lot here. Also, after removing Article 370 and speeding up development work, the hope of getting support in Kashmir region has also increased. BJP can release the first list of Jammu Kashmir by late night.
AAP-DPAP released the first list
Voting will be held on 24 assembly seats in the first phase in Jammu and Kashmir, for which the last date of nomination is 27 August. Meanwhile, Aam Aadmi Party has released its first list of 7 candidates for the Jammu and Kashmir elections. Earlier today, Ghulam Nabi Azad’s DPAP has also released its first list of 13 candidates.
Elections in Jammu and Kashmir will be held in three phases
Let us tell you that voting will be held in three phases in Jammu and Kashmir. The first phase of voting in Jammu and Kashmir will be held on 18 September, the second phase on 25 September and the third phase on 1 October. At the same time, voting for Haryana Assembly will be held on 1 October. The election results of both the states will be declared on 4 October. (With reporting by Avinash Tiwari)
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