In the case of former Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren, BJP is in a wait and watch situation. In fact, Champai Soren has talked about forming a new organization or joining hands with a new partner. BJP’s state level leaders are seeing the party’s benefit in both these situations.
Opinion poll in core committee meeting
In the party’s core committee meeting on Tuesday, the leaders also discussed the matter related to Champai Soren. Election in-charge Shivraj Singh Chauhan and election co-in-charge Himanta Biswa Sarma were also present in this meeting.
The party is also keeping an eye on the strategy of JMM and the government
BJP is also keeping an eye on what stand JMM will officially take in the Champai Soren case, what action will be taken against Cabinet Minister Champai at the government level. A cabinet meeting is scheduled on August 29. In such a situation, BJP will keep an eye on all activities.
An unknown truck hit Champai Soren’s escort car, driver died
Party leaders are showing sensitivity towards Champai
BJP’s state level leaders are showing a lot of sensitivity towards Champai Soren. In the Champai case, BJP state president Babulal Marandi has said that he is a very mature politician. It is up to him to decide whether he will form an organization or choose a party. Which party Champai Soren will go with, whom he will choose, it is completely his decision. At the same time, former Chief Minister Arjun Munda also linked Champai Soren’s case to the question of insult of Jharkhand agitators. He also criticized the state government minister and Jharkhand that a grassroots leader was insulted just for expressing his views.
It is worth noting that for the past few days, sources have been saying that Champai Soren may join the BJP. He is said to be in contact with Shivraj Singh Chauhan. However, no statement has come from Champai regarding this till now. Champai has shared an emotional post on Instagram in which he has expressed his displeasure with JMM.