BJP’s list for Haryana assembly elections can come anytime. There was a long discussion on this on Thursday and now it is believed that the names of the candidates will be announced. It is reported that BJP can field heavyweight candidates on many seats. Especially those people can get a chance who come from the families of former Chief Ministers of Haryana. There is a discussion that the sons and daughters of 4 Chief Ministers can get tickets. Preparations are on to give tickets to the grandsons and granddaughters of Bhajan Lal, Bansilal and Devi Lal, who are called the three Lals of Haryana.
BJP is preparing to field Bhajan Lal’s grandson Bhavya Bishnoi from Adampur assembly. Apart from this, Bansi Lal’s granddaughter Shruti Chaudhary can also get a ticket from Tosham. Devi Lal’s grandson Aditya Devi Lal is likely to get a chance from Dabwali assembly. Apart from these, there is talk of Aarti Rao, granddaughter of another former CM Rao Birendra Singh, getting a ticket from Ateli assembly. Aarti’s father Rao Indrajit Singh is a minister in the central government. Although she was a contender in the last assembly elections too, she did not get a chance and the party’s argument was that her father is a central minister.
Bhaavya and Aarti’s families were with Congress before 2014. Shruti Chaudhary has recently joined BJP. Shruti Chaudhary’s mother Kiran has also been sent to Rajya Sabha by BJP. BJP strategists feel that when the party’s momentum is being said to be weak, then an atmosphere can be created by giving opportunities to people associated with famous families. However, tickets of 30 percent of the MLAs of the current government can be cut. Ministers like Sandeep Singh, Sanjay Singh and Seema Trikha can also be excluded from the ticket race. Party sources say that there is anti-incumbency against these people.
Former Lok Sabha MP Sunita Duggal, senior leader OP Dhankar and Captain Abhimanyu may get a chance again. All these three faces had to face defeat in the last assembly elections. There is talk that Chief Minister Naib Singh Saini is also considering contesting from a seat other than his current seat. Party sources say that the main focus of BJP is on the South Haryana belt comprising Gurugram, Rewari, Mahendragarh, Bhiwani and Yamunanagar, Ambala, Karnal and Kurukshetra region in the north.