Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeIndia NewsBSP's agenda now includes its own core vote bank, Mayawati is preparing...

BSP’s agenda now includes its own core vote bank, Mayawati is preparing the ground afresh

BSP now has its own core vote bank on its agenda. To keep them tied to itself, BSP will now follow the path of Bahujan Hitaay and Bahujan Sukhaay instead of Sarvajan Hitaay. Work will be done for their interests. If there is an incident of oppression against Dalits anywhere in the country, party people will reach there and help to the best of their ability. BSP supremo Mayawati believes that with the help of this she can regain her lost support base. Even though it may not benefit directly in the assembly by-elections, she hopes that it will definitely benefit in the assembly elections to be held in the year 2027.

BSP supremo Mayawati is busy preparing a new political ground. That is why BSP workers are going from village to village and explaining to the people of the society that to get their rights, they should strengthen ‘Behanji’. If BSP remains strong, reservation will remain. For this, participation in power is necessary and this is possible only when the people of the society remain united and stand with BSP. BSP workers are also explaining to the people of the society that disunity always causes harm. How successful this campaign of BSP was, it will be tested in the assembly by-elections. After this, a plan is being worked on to try to remove the shortcomings completely by the year 2027.

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The basic foundation of BSP is Dalit vote bank. Kanshi Ram gave political identity to BSP in Uttar Pradesh by associating with Dalit community. The advantage of this identity was that BSP was able to form government in 2007 not only in alliance but also on its own. BSP, which had maintained 19 to 20 percent vote bank even in bad conditions, is losing its support base. This is confirmed by the 9.39 percent votes it got in this year’s Lok Sabha elections. Mayawati is very worried about the Dalit vote bank drifting away from the party. BSP, which gave the slogan of ‘Sarvajan Hitaay Sarvajan Sukhaay’ to keep it with itself, has now started talking about ‘Bahujan Hitaay Bahujan Sukhaay’ of Kanshi Ram’s era.


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