The administration has taken action against SP leader Haji Raza who made objectionable comments against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Fatehpur. On Tuesday morning, the administration started the demolition of a three-storey building under construction on a wrong map in Bakarganj of the city. The roar of the bulldozer in the presence of heavy force created a sensation in the area.
On Monday morning, the sudden deployment of police and PAC force from ten police stations in Bakarganj created a sensation in the area. Around eight o’clock, SDM Sadar Pradeep Raman and CO City Sushil Kumar Dubey arrived at the scene with revenue officials. With two bulldozers, everyone began action in the building of Haji Raza, a resident of Pani Mohalla. The SDM said that the building is in the name of two people, including Haji Raza. The building has been constructed on a wrong map. Demolition action is being taken for the building being constructed against the rules.
used derogatory words against the prime minister
A program was organized in Sultanpur Ghosh on the victory of SP candidate Naresh Uttam Patel in the Lok Sabha elections. Where the son of the former municipal chairperson and SP leader Haji Raza used objectionable words against the Prime Minister in the excitement of the MP’s victory. A local BJP leader had filed a case against Haji Raza in the matter.
Many complaints were made at the government level
There were many complaints against the SP leader at the government level, including corruption in the Nagar Palika and involvement in criminal activities. Cases have been registered in crime related matters. Regarding the criminal history of the SP leader and other types of complaints, former MLA Vikram Singh met the CM and demanded an investigation by the SIT. During the investigation for the last two months, the SIT has been scrutinizing the details of the property of the SP leader and his associates.