The speculation of former Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren joining BJP has created a stir in JMM. Champai Soren is currently in Delhi. It is believed that he can meet BJP leaders here. However, when he himself was questioned about this, he said that he has come to Delhi for personal work. Meanwhile, another big news has come out. Actually Champai has removed the name of JMM from his ex-bio. Now only former Chief Minister of Jharkhand is written on his profile. In such a situation, the speculation of his joining BJP is gaining momentum.
On the other hand, Hemant Soren has made a big statement on Champai Soren in a subtle manner. He said, divisions are being created in the family and the party on the basis of money. In an exclusive conversation with Aaj Tak, Hemant Soren said, forget about society, these people work to break families and parties. Every other day, sometimes they buy this MLA, sometimes they buy that MLA. Money is such a thing that even leaders go here and there. Targeting the BJP, he said, the election bell is going to ring in the state very soon, but the BJP has the bell to know when the elections will be held.