Former Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren will return to Ranchi on Tuesday after a two-day stay in Delhi. It is expected that he met some senior BJP leaders in Delhi. According to sources, Champai may be inducted into the BJP in a public event in Ranchi or Jamshedpur in the next few days. However, the information about the meeting between Champai and any senior BJP leader has not been officially made public. JMM is refraining from saying anything in Champai’s case. However, the party is keeping an eye on every activity.
What is the speculation about Champai Soren
According to sources, Champai Soren may join BJP in the next few days. He may be inducted into BJP in Ranchi or Jamshedpur. Meanwhile, Banna Gupta, a minister in the Hemant Soren government, has opened a front against Champai. Banna has called Champai a greedy man for power. BJP has retaliated to Banna Gupta’s comment. BJP state spokesperson Pratul Shahdev said that the allegations that Banna Gupta is making against former Chief Minister Champai Soren have made it clear whose rule the tenure of the current government is similar to. Knowingly or unknowingly, Banna Gupta has told the truth and compared the current Hemant Soren government to a rule in which good triumphs over evil.
Insult of tribal leader: BJP
Pratul said that the Health Minister has forgotten the limits of words and is insulting a strong tribal leader of Kolhan. Even before this, the Health Minister has been known for his controversial actions and comments. He said that in the last 5 years, the honor of more than 7000 daughters has been looted. More than 7000 murders have taken place. Thousands of robbery and kidnapping incidents have taken place. The law and order situation has deteriorated. Naxalites are creating havoc in rural areas. In urban areas, organized criminal gangs are killing lawyers, leaders, policemen and common people. If someone questions the system for maintaining law and order and protecting religion, as Champai Soren did, then he is targeted by other people.