Ram Lala was consecrated today in the Ram temple of Ayodhya. Lord Ram has been seated in the sanctum sanctorum after 500 years. Meanwhile, Muslim Rashtriya Manch workers across the country celebrated this historic moment like a festival. There was an atmosphere of celebration and celebration everywhere on this occasion. Muslims raised slogans of Jai Shri Ram and congratulated each other. In this sequence, today lamps were lit at many dargahs, tombs and madrassas of the country including Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer, Hazrat Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki. While celebrating Ram Utsav, Muslims said that King Ram has arrived. Along with this, prayers for peace, prosperity and harmony were also said.
Shahid Saeed, national media in-charge of Muslim Rashtriya Manch, said that on the occasion of the enthronement of Ral Lalla, national convenor Syed Raza Hussain Rizvi from Muslim Rashtriya Manch, Mohammad Faiz Khan, national convenor of Cow Seva and Environment Cell and Padma Shri from Rajasthan were present in Ayodhya. Anwar Khan was present. On the other hand, the workers of Muslim Rashtriya Manch illuminated the major small and big dargahs, madrassas, khanqahs, Muslim mohallas, houses and streets of the country with lamps, lamps and colored bulbs. National coordinator of Muslim Rashtriya Manch, area, province and district coordinators and co-convenors and workers celebrated Ram Utsav with great pomp in different parts of the country.
500 years of feud turned into brotherhood
Apart from lighting up special places, Ayat Karima were read in Madrassas, Maktabs and Mosques and prayers were offered for the peace, harmony and harmony of the country. Muslims gathered in large numbers acknowledged that there is an atmosphere of happiness and celebration across the country as Ram Lala is seated in the sanctum sanctorum after 500 years. Everyone is becoming Rammay. In such a situation, even the Muslims of the country cannot lag behind in this. People participating in Chiraga shared happiness among themselves. The people present said that Ram is our ancestor and hence he is honorable and respectable for everyone and this is the reality. People said that 500 years of conflict has transformed into mutual brotherhood and peace.
burnt at these special shrines
Let us tell you that the special places which were illuminated were the Dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer, the Dargah of Sahebzade of Sarwad Sharif Garib Nawaz, Hazrat Qutubuddin Bakhtiar Kaki Dargah of Mehrauli in Delhi, Dargah of Nizamuddin Shah Peer, Matka of Delhi. Dargah of Peer, Hafiz Peer Baba of Lucknow and Dargah of Samodhan Shah Baba. Apart from this, lamps were lit at many dargahs and tombs of the country including Mumbai, Kolkata, Patna, Bhagalpur, Kanpur, Aligarh, Bhopal, Hyderabad, Bengaluru and prayers for unity, integrity and sovereignty were sought.
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