Rajya Sabha MP and senior advocate Kapil Sibal on Monday hit back at Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar for criticising the alleged resolution of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA). In the resolution, the senior lawyer had allegedly described the rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata as a “symptom of a disease”. Sibal hit back at Dhankhar through NCRB data and asked him where is Bengal in this?
Sibal wrote in a post on the social media platform ‘X’, “Times of India (report); Rape (between 2017 and 2022). Of the 1,551 cases of murder after rape/gang-rape, the highest number (280) were registered in Uttar Pradesh, followed by Madhya Pradesh (207), Assam (205), Maharashtra (155) and Karnataka (79). Dhankhar ji: did you see it? Why is West Bengal missing? No malice?”
Dhankhar had criticised SCBA president Sibal, who in a reported resolution had said that the tragic incident at Kolkata’s state-run R G Kar Medical College and Hospital was a “symptom of a disease” and added that such incidents were common.
On August 30, while addressing girl students at Delhi University’s Bharati College, the Vice President had said, “I am saddened, and somewhat shocked, that a Member of Parliament, who holds a position in the Supreme Court Bar, is acting in this manner and what does he say! A symptom of a disease, and suggested that such incidents are common! What a shame! I have no words to condemn such incidents.”
On Sunday, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar had also questioned the silence of some NGOs on the alleged rape and murder of a woman doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.