The residents of Delhi as well as NCR will have to face tough challenges for two days. Auto taxi unions in Delhi NCR have announced a two-day strike. The All Delhi Auto Taxi Transport Congress Union has called for a strike. 14 unions of Delhi NCR are participating in it. Auto taxi unions have announced a strike from Thursday in protest against app-based cab services (services like Ola and Uber).
The impact of this strike called by auto taxi drivers on 22 and 23 August will be seen in Delhi as well as other cities of NCR. These auto taxi transport unions of Delhi NCR claim that despite raising the issue on their behalf, neither the central nor the state governments have paid any attention. The central and state governments have taken no steps to solve the problems.
In the official statement issued, it has been said that all of you know that on the call of All Delhi Auto Taxi Congress Union, auto taxi organizations have called for a two-day strike in Delhi NCR on 22 and 23 August. In support of this, the officials of all the auto taxi organizations along with Delhi Auto Taxi Congress Union will sit on Jantar Mantar on 22 August with their demands. Permission has also been received from Delhi Police for this protest.
Kishan Verma, president of Delhi Auto Taxi Transport Congress Union, said, “We have been writing to the central and state governments and transport departments about companies like Ola and Uber for a long time. We are not being heard. These companies present their side and the government presents its side, but this entire business is being run like a game of donations. We are fed up. Now we are demanding an end to this game.”