The Narendra Modi government at the center has asked other top institutions including AIIMS to adopt Indian attire in convocation ceremonies. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Friday issued instructions to all medical educational institutions run by the Central Government, including prestigious institutions like AIIMS, not to use the black cap and black dress which have been in practice since the British era in their convocation ceremonies.
The move by the ministry is believed to be in line with the “Panch Pranab” resolutions outlined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to abandon British-era legacies and replace them with Indian traditions.
In a letter dated August 23, the ministry has said that the current practice of wearing black cap and black robes during convocation was also introduced in India during the British period, which came from Europe during the Middle Ages. The ministry has urged the institutions to design new Indian attire for convocations, which reflects the local traditions and cultural heritage of the state where the institution is located. The letter said that the current tradition is reminiscent of the British colonial period, which needs to be abolished.
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It is written in the letter that it has been decided by the Ministry that various institutions including AIIMS / INIS engaged in providing medical education will prepare appropriate Indian dress code for their convocation based on the local traditions of the state where the institute is located. Along with this, the Ministry has asked all the institutions to submit the proposal of the new dress code to the Ministry for approval.
What is Panch Prana?
Let us tell you that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had mentioned Panch Prana in his address to the country from the ramparts of the Red Fort on Independence Day on 15 August 2022. He had said that these Panch Pranas will write the story of the country’s development for the next 25 years. In ‘Panch Prana’, PM Modi had mentioned ‘Developed India’, ‘Freedom from slavery’, ‘Pride of heritage’, ‘Unity and solidarity’ and ‘Duty of citizens’.