A social media post by Bengaluru-based CEO of a company, Anuradha Tiwari, has created a ruckus. She often opposes reservation. Now she posted her picture on Instagram in which she was showing her muscles. She also wrote ‘Brahmin Jeans’ in the caption. People have made various comments on this on social media. This post has been viewed by millions of people. Anuradha is the founder and CEO of a content marketing company.
In Tiwari’s photo, she can be seen standing near a scooty and holding a coconut in her hand. She is showing the muscles in her hands. On Tiwari’s post, a user wrote, what is said in Smriti about girls wearing shorts and posting photos? Why don’t Brahmins follow it?
Supreme Court lawyer Shashank Ratan said, casteism is still rampant. It is good to be fit but it is not right to call oneself the best by claiming to have a particular gene. This way the country cannot become a family. Tiwari often expresses her views on social media and there are heated debates on them. Recently, she had said about reservation, the general category should also believe that this country belongs to them too. It is not only for those with reservation. Today’s politics is focused only on reserved castes. This is a big injustice to the hardworking people of the general category. A nation can never do injustice to those who work hard.
In a post in August 2022, she had said, I am a student from the general category. My ancestors did not give me even an acre of land. I used to live in a rented house. Even after scoring 95 percent marks, I did not get admission and my friends who scored 60 percent got it. Now you ask what is the problem with reservation?
Regarding the recent post, Anuradha Tiwari said on social media, as expected, the fear of many people came to the fore as soon as the word Brahmin was spoken. These people told what real casteism is. The unreserved get nothing from the system. We have to earn everything ourselves and this is also a matter of pride.