BJP MLA’s father and former minister Ram Saran Verma, who was sitting on a dharna demanding the resolution of several issues including stray animals and corruption in the Nagar Palika, lashed out at his own government. The former minister, who was sitting on a dharna in the Mandi premises with his supporters, in his talks called Mayawati a better chief minister than CM Yogi. He said, bribery was not allowed during Mayawati’s tenure. The video of this statement of the former minister is also going viral on social media.
In fact, former minister Ram Saran Verma along with his supporters started an indefinite dharna on Tuesday in Pilibhit Mandi premises as per a pre-decided program. The former minister lashed out at his own government over the corruption spread in the departments. Not only this, the former minister called Mayawati a better chief minister than Yogi Adityanath and praised the tenure of the BSP government. He said, I am not afraid, I say everything. He said that if the Lekhpal takes money, there must be consent from the top. The video of this statement of the former minister is also going viral on social media.
The former minister sitting on the dharna also raised these demands
Former minister Ram Saran Verma, who sat on the dharna, raised several demands. These included demands for relief from the problem of stray animals, monkeys and tigers, removal of coal depots, and construction of temporary cow shelters on public lands. During this, the former minister raised the demand for NIA investigation of the property of the Municipal Chairperson and her husband along with the Executive Officer in the matter of grave harassment and corruption prevailing in Bisalpur Nagar Palika and acquiring properties disproportionate to income, and providing an opportunity for the required hearing to the payers of house tax, water tax, basic infrastructure assessment tax from the city areas. Along with this, the demand was also raised for ending the closed water drainage Chausara road and construction of the road in front of the station.
The former minister, who was sitting on the dharna, said that the exploitation of the city residents will not be allowed by not constructing NH no. 731 on the land acquired by the municipality. In the process of illegal demolition of 65 shops of SRM Inter College Shiv Mandir and Nagar Palika Parishad Bhawan Bisalpur, he raised the demand for compensation along with reconstruction of the shops. Farmers affected by the rain should get compensation. Here, the City Magistrate Vijay Vardhan Tomar took the memorandum of the former minister, who was sitting on dharna for the whole day with the demands, and assured to resolve the problem. The former minister said that if the problem is not resolved by October 1, then he will again stage a dharna from October 2.