Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has asked BJP workers to make good preparations for the proposed by-elections on 10 assembly seats in Uttar Pradesh. He also said that by-elections are a bit difficult. The Chief Minister said this while talking to workers in Ghaziabad.
CM Yogi Adityanath said, ‘Good preparations will have to be made for the by-elections. By-elections are a bit difficult because people are not enthusiastic. Due to this the voting percentage is low.’ The Chief Minister told the people present in the program that the voting percentage has to be increased by door to door contact. Work has to be done on different fronts. More contact has to be made with the SC class. SC class will have to be contacted at the booth level.
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath attended the program organized at Hindi Bhawan in Lohia Nagar. Earlier, he attended the inauguration ceremony of a private channel at Hotel Radisson Blue in Trans Hindon.