These days, the havoc of rain continues in the country. Flood-like conditions prevail from the capital Delhi to Himachal and Gujarat. Earlier, flood-like conditions have also arisen in Kerala, Uttarakhand, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. This has caused a lot of trouble to the people and there has been a lot of loss of life and property, but due to this rain, the lifespan of the people of the country has increased by about one year. According to a report by the Energy Policy Institute (EPIC) of the University of Chicago, there was a 19.3 percent decline in PM pollution in the country in 2022 as compared to 2021. This has increased the lifespan of the people of the country by an average of one year.
The report also says that if the air quality continues to improve in 2024, the life expectancy of people living in North India will increase by 1.2 years. At the same time, according to WHO standards, if pollution does not decrease, the average life expectancy may decrease by 3.6 years.
Pollution reduced due to rain
According to the report, in 2022, there was good rainfall in many countries of South Asia including India. Due to this, the air quality has improved here. In India, PM 2.5 (particles less than 2.5 micrometer diameter present in the air) concentration decreased by nine micrograms per cubic meter (19.3 percent) as compared to 2021. This reduction was 17.2 percent in the northern plains. The most improvement was in Purulia, West Bengal. Here PM concentration fell by more than 20 micrograms per cubic meter. There was also a significant improvement in the air of Dhanbad, East and West Singhbhum, West Medinipur and Bokaro in Jharkhand. PM 2.5 can penetrate deep into the respiratory system and lead to respiratory problems. The annual PM 2.5 standard in India is set at 40 micrograms per cubic meter, yet more than 40 percent of the population is breathing air that is higher than this limit.
The effect of the government’s initiative was visible
The Government of India launched the National Clean Air Programme to reduce air pollution. In the cities where this initiative was started, PM 2.5 concentration decreased by an average of 19 percent. Whereas, in the cities where this scheme was not implemented, the average reduction in PM 2.5 concentration was 16 percent. In 2019, Gujarat launched the world’s first trading program for air pollution. Due to this, Surat’s air pollution decreased by 20-30 percent.
The life expectancy of people in Delhi may increase by 12 years
The 18 million people living in Delhi, one of the most polluted areas in north India, are on track to lose an average of 11.9 years of life expectancy compared to the benchmark set by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Even according to India’s own national standards, if the current levels of pollution persist, the life expectancy of residents could drop by 8.5 years. Delhi, India’s capital and the most populous city in the country, is also the most polluted city in the world, the report said. However, the report also said that if India meets its national benchmark for PM 2.5 (PMO), the life expectancy of Delhi residents could increase by 8.5 years. Also, if it meets the WHO standards, the life expectancy of Delhi residents could increase by about 12 years.
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