India’s umpire Anil Chaudhary on Saturday made a revelation about the wicketkeeping of Pakistan’s wicketkeeper batsman Mohammad Rizwan, due to which he had a lot of difficulties in umpiring. Anil, who has umpired in more than 50 international matches in different formats, has told in a podcast that due to Mohammad Rizwan’s habit of appealing repeatedly during the match, he started ignoring his appeals and he also warned his colleagues about it. He was asked to be careful of this behavior of Rizwan.
During a conversation on the YouTube show ‘2 Slaggers’, Anil Chaudhary was asked if he had ever umpired a match in which Rizwan played. Although he could not immediately identify the player, he remembered an Asia Cup match where Rizwan was constantly appealing. He then said that umpires differentiate between good and bad wicketkeepers based on the appeals made during the match.
He said, “He appeals a lot. I also told my fellow umpire to be careful. He shouts on every ball. There was a time when the umpire came close to accepting his appeal but then he remembered my words and refused to give out. He was declared not out. Is he the one who applies something like lipstick? He keeps jumping like a pigeon. See, good umpires know who a good wicketkeeper is. If the umpire is good, then these wicketkeepers lose. And so much technology has come, why are you getting yourself insulted? If something goes wrong, people will make fun of you.”