After two days of clouds playing hide and seek, it suddenly rained heavily in Indore city on Friday afternoon. The city turned into a pond in three hours of rain. Many two-wheelers and four-wheelers were seen stranded on the roads. Dirty water filled the houses in the lower settlements. Vijay Nagar police station also got flooded. The jawans and officers in the police station had to sit in the middle of the water.
The corporation officials who claim to make arrangements for the entire city are proving to be incompetent in making better arrangements around their own headquarters. Due to heavy rains, dirty sewerage water filled the roads outside the corporation headquarters. Along with Rajbada, the roads were filled with water in Nanda Nagar, Palasia, Bada Ganpati, Annapurna, BRTS, Mahunaka areas too. Two and four wheelers stopped working in many areas of the city due to waterlogging on the roads. In BRTS and Palasia areas, people kept getting troubled due to the vehicles stopping. People were seen pushing vehicles at various places on the road. Many people also expressed their anger towards the corporation due to waterlogging on the roads.
Due to heavy rains, drivers were stuck in traffic jams for two to three hours on most of the city roads. Long traffic jams were observed in many areas including Rajbada, Vijay Nagar, Khajrana, Palasia. People somehow managed to get out after being stuck in the traffic jam for hours. Traffic police was also nowhere to be seen. Vehicles were stuck in a jam at all the intersections. A huge amount of water accumulated under the Vijay Nagar, Satyasai, Khajrana, Malwa Mill to Patnaipura, Sarvate Bus Stand, Juni Indore railway bridge.
The city has not yet received the average rainfall figure. Due to lack of rain in July and August, the figure has reached only around 17 inches, whereas the city needs an average of about 36 inches of rain.
Due to the negligence of the municipal officials, rainwater is filled in front of the city bus stop in MTH compound, while in the name of line improvement, a pit was dug in Dawa Bazar and left as it is. Due to the potholes everywhere on this route, the drivers are getting troubled. The situation of the city has gone from bad to worse due to the recent rains. There is no water supply to the houses. The drains are choked and spewing filth. The roads are filled with dirty water. Pits have been dug at various places in the name of development. Still, Indore is preparing to hoist its flag all over the country in terms of cleanliness.
Report: Hemant Nagle