Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday claimed that despite the instability prevailing in neighbouring Bangladesh, Hindus from there have not tried to enter India. “Hindus are living and fighting in Bangladesh. In the last one month, not a single Hindu has been caught trying to enter India,” Sharma said at a press conference here.
He also said that Muslims from the neighbouring country are trying to infiltrate to seek employment in India’s textile sector. “In the last one month, 35 Muslim infiltrators have been arrested… They are trying to enter, but those who are coming are not coming to Assam but to go to Bengaluru, Tamil Nadu, Coimbatore to work in the textile industry,” the chief minister claimed. “We have requested our Prime Minister to put pressure on the Bangladesh government to ensure the safety of Hindus,” he said.
It is worth noting that after the ouster of the Sheikh Hasina-led government earlier this month, there have been several incidents of violence against members of the Hindu, Buddhist and Christian communities in Bangladesh. The ‘Bangladesh National Hindu Grand Alliance’ said that since the ouster of the Hasina-led government, people of the minority community have been attacked at 278 places in 48 districts.