Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on Tuesday ordered the police to register a case of attempted rape against the accused arrested for sexually abusing two girl students at a school in Thane’s Badlapur. People continued their protest and also vandalised the place in protest against the alleged sexual abuse at a school near the railway station in Badlapur. Police also tried to disperse the crowd by using mild force on the people who were sitting blocking the railway track.
Speaking to media persons on the matter, Chief Minister Eknath Shinde said that I have spoken to the Thane Police Commissioner. The accused has been arrested. I have asked him to expedite the case and book the accused under attempt to rape and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
What happened in Badlapur, what is the whole matter
Two pre-primary girls were allegedly sexually abused by a helper working near the railway station in Thane’s Badlapur. When the girls reported this to their family, the accused was arrested. On Tuesday, angry parents and local citizens attacked the school and started vandalizing it. When the anger of the people did not subside, they also tried to block the nearby railway track. During this, some people also pelted stones. However, the police reached quickly and brought the situation under control.
Police said that the accused is a 23-year-old sanitation worker. The victim girls are three and four years old. This incident happened with the girls when they went to the toilet in the school, the accused was hired by the school on contract on August 1, 2024. This matter came to light when a girl went to her home and complained of pain in her private part, later she told her family that when she went to the bathroom, the accused had touched her private parts. When the parents contacted the parents of other children, they also came to know about the incident and understood about the changing behavior of their daughter. After this, when the doctor got the examination done, it was found that the girls had been sexually assaulted. After this, the whole matter reached the police and the police took action. The Chief Minister’s Office said that if negligence of the school management is found, legal action will be taken.