Bollywood actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut is often in the news for her statements. Now she has hit back at former Punjab MP Simranjit Singh Mann’s rape statement. She said that today I am getting rape threats that Kangana knows what rape is? In this way, she will not be able to suppress my voice by threatening me.
Former Punjab Lok Sabha MP Simranjit Singh Mann made an objectionable statement about Kangana Ranaut on Thursday. Mann said that Kangana Ranaut has a lot of experience of rape, we can ask her how rape happens? So that people can be explained about it. Actually, Kangana had said in an interview a few days ago that rapes were committed in the farmers’ movement on the Delhi border. Simranjit Singh Mann hit back at Kangana Ranaut regarding this.
Simranjit has given controversial statements earlier too
Even before this, Simranjit Mann has given controversial statements. Two years ago in Karnal, he had called Shaheed Bhagat Singh a terrorist. Mann had said that Sardar Bhagat Singh had killed an English youth, an officer and an Amritdhari Sikh constable. He had thrown a bomb in the National Assembly. Tell me whether Bhagat Singh is a terrorist or a Bhagat. Killing innocent people and throwing a bomb in the Parliament is a matter of decency. Whatever may be the case, Bhagat Singh is a terrorist.
Controversy over upcoming film ‘Emergency’
At the same time, Kangana Ranaut is in the headlines these days for her upcoming film ‘Emergency’. Earlier this film was going to be released in the year 2023 itself, but at that time its release was postponed. Now this film is coming on 6 September. Kangana is promoting her film fiercely, on the other hand there is controversy over her film. Recently she also received death threats.
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