India’s star wrestler Vinesh Phogat has returned home. After the heartbreak at the Paris Olympics 2024, Vinesh was given a warm welcome on her return home on Saturday. Her flight landed at Indira Gandhi Airport in Delhi. Wrestlers Bajrang Punia and Sakshi Malik also arrived to welcome Vinesh. Seeing the tremendous enthusiasm of the people, Vinesh became a little emotional. After coming to India, she expressed her feelings in a few words. She thanked the people for their immense support in difficult times and called herself lucky.
Vinesh told the media, “Thank you very much to all the countrymen. I am very lucky.” At the same time, Sakshi Malik, who won the bronze medal in the Rio Olympics, said, “Very few people perform what Vinesh has done for the country. I just want Vinesh to get as much respect as possible.” Bajrang Punia said, “The countrymen are giving a lot of love to Vinesh. People have given her a tremendous welcome.” Let us tell you that Vinesh made it to the finals after registering three consecutive wins in the Paris Olympics. But on the morning of the final, Vinesh was disqualified.
The Indian wrestler was disqualified for being just 100 grams overweight in the women’s 50 kg final. Vinesh was sure of at least a silver medal after reaching the final. However, she had to return empty-handed from the tournament due to disqualification. She challenged this decision in the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) but her appeal was rejected. Vinesh had announced her retirement from the sport after being disqualified. However, she hinted at returning from retirement on Friday. She said, “I don’t know what will happen in the future?”
Vinesh wrote in a social media post, “All I want to say is that we did not give up, our efforts did not stop, but the clock stopped and the time was not right. Maybe this was my destiny.” She further wrote, “Maybe under different circumstances, I can see myself playing till 2032, because the struggle and wrestling will always be in me. I cannot predict what the future has in store for me but I am looking forward to this journey. I am sure that I will always fight for what I believe in and for the right thing.”