South’s famous actress and BJP leader Namita complained on Monday that she was not allowed to enter the famous Meenakshi Sundareshwar temple in Tamil Nadu. She was asked to present proof of being a Hindu, caste certificate was demanded. Namita said that my son’s name is after Lord Krishna and I am a complete Hindu but the way I was treated by the temple officials was not appropriate.
Namitha, a member of the BJP’s state executive in Tamil Nadu, alleged that a temple official stopped her from visiting the temple and asked her to produce proof of being a Hindu. “They asked me for a certificate to prove that I am a Hindu and also my caste certificate. I have never had to endure such anguish in any of the temples I have visited in the country,” she later told reporters.
The actress said- my son is named after Lord Krishna
Namita said that it is a well-known fact that she was born in a Hindu family and got married in Tirupati and her son was named after Lord Krishna. She said, “That being so, they spoke rudely and arrogantly and asked for certificates to prove my caste and my religion.”
Cleaning up of temple officials
A senior official of the temple denied the allegations and said that they stopped Namitha and her husband, who were wearing masks, and asked if they were Hindus. The official said that they explained the temple tradition to the actress. “After her explanation, kumkum was applied on her forehead and she was taken inside the temple to have darshan of Goddess Meenakshi,” he said.
When asked about this, the actress said that she was allowed to have darshan only after proving her faith and applying kumkum on her forehead.