Reliance Jio has launched another great plan for its crores of users, priced less than Rs 500. The company’s new plan is Rs 448. This is an OTT plan. In this, Jio is giving its users free subscription of 12 popular OTT apps. Apart from this, users will also get unlimited 5G data along with free calling in the plan. Let us know in detail about the benefits being offered in this plan of Jio.
Benefits available in Jio’s 448 Rupees plan
This plan of the company comes with a validity of 28 days. In this plan, the company is giving 2GB data every day for internet use. Eligible users will get unlimited 5G data in this plan of Jio. In this plan with 100 free SMS every day, the company is offering unlimited calling for all networks across the country. Jio’s new plan comes with free subscription of 12 OTT apps, which also includes Sony Liv, Jio Cinema Premium, Zee5, Jio TV and Fancode.
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449 rupees plan will offer 3GB data per day
If you are not eligible for the company’s daily unlimited 5G data, then you can choose an affordable plan of Rs 449 for more daily data. In this plan, the company is offering 3GB data per day for internet use. Eligible users will also get unlimited data in this plan. In this plan with 28 days validity, the company will get 100 free SMS and free voice calling every day. This plan also gives free access to Jio Cloud along with Jio TV and Jio Cinema. Keep in mind that the company is also offering free subscription of Jio Cinema Premium in the plan.
Jio’s cheapest plan with 10 OTT apps
The cheapest plan of Jio offering free OTT is Rs 175. In this plan, the company is offering 28 days validity and 10GB high-speed data. The 10 free OTT apps being offered in the plan include Sony Liv, Zee5, Jio Cinema Premium and Lionsgate Play. This plan does not offer free calling and SMS benefits.