The Supreme Court granted bail to BRS leader K. Kavitha on Tuesday, giving her relief in the corruption and money laundering cases related to the alleged liquor scam in Delhi. After this, the Rouse Avenue Court issued a release warrant for K. Kavitha. After this, BRS leader K. Kavitha was released. After coming out of jail, K. Kavitha said – I became emotional today after meeting my son, brother and husband after about 5 months. Only politics is responsible for this situation. The country knows that I was put in jail only due to politics. I did not do any mistake.
K. Kavitha said- I want to thank you all. We will fight legally and politically and prove ourselves innocent. They have strengthened the BRS and KCR team by illegally sending us to jail. Meanwhile, BRS working president, MLA and K. Kavitha’s brother KT Rama Rao wrote on Instagram- Thank you Supreme Court. Justice has prevailed.
After K. Kavitha got bail from the Supreme Court, the political atmosphere in Telangana is heated. Both Congress and BJP have targeted each other. Congress said- K. Kavitha’s release shows the nexus between BJP and BRS. We have been saying from before that there is a nexus between BRS and BJP for 10 years. Now it has been exposed. The conditions on which Kavitha has got bail today can be compared to the conditions when the bail was rejected. It is clear that the merger of BRS with BJP has started.
The news is being updated.