There are eight assembly seats under Bikaner parliamentary constituency. The people of the state also keep their eyes on this seat. Bikaner Fort, Junagadh Fort, Lalgarh Palace, Lakshmi Niwas Palace and Vaishnav and Jain temples are quite famous here. Senior Rajasthan BJP leader and Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal has been contesting elections from here. He has become MP from here for three consecutive times. It is possible that he may get a chance to contest elections once again.
How many voters were there in 2019
Bikaner is a reserved seat for SC category. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, there were more than 18 lakh 49 thousand voters in this parliamentary constituency. Of these, 978122 were male voters and 873490 were female voters. The work of adding new voters to the voter list for this year’s elections is going on at a fast pace. The final voters list has not been revealed yet. It is believed that this time more than 19 lakh people can vote. The number of Dalit voters in this area is very high. Apart from this, there are other castes including Gurjar, Brahmin, Thakur.
Who won the election in 2019
In the year 2019, Union Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal had won from here. He defeated Madan Gopal Meghwal of Congress by more than 2 lakh 64 thousand votes. 59 percent people voted for BJP. BJP’s Arjun Ram Meghwal will get 657743 votes while Congress will get 393662 votes.
Who won the elections in 2009-2014
In the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, BJP had given ticket to senior leader Arjun Ram Meghwal. Meghwal defeated Shankar Pannu of Congress by 308079 votes. BJP got 58.45 percent votes in 2014. Earlier in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, Arjun Ram Meghwal had won from here. He defeated Rewat Ram Panwar of Congress by 19575 votes.
When were the elections held in the year 2014-2019?
Lok Sabha elections were held in Bikaner parliamentary constituency in 2019 on 6 May. Whereas in 2014, the Lok Sabha elections were held here on 17 April.
When were the results released in 2014-19
In the year 2019, the counting of votes for the Lok Sabha elections took place on 23 May. The results of the elections in Bikaner parliamentary constituency were also declared on the same day. Whereas, in 2014 the results were declared on 16 May.
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