Nirbhaya’s mother, the victim of the Delhi gang rape case, has given a big statement on the Kolkata RG Kar Medical College case. She expressed strong anger on Saturday over the rape and murder of a female trainee doctor. She said that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee should resign. Nirbhaya’s mother alleged that Mamata is misusing her position and trying to divert attention from the issue instead of taking action against the culprits of the incident. She stressed that until the central and state governments are not serious about getting immediate punishment from the court to the perpetrators of the brutality, such barbaric incidents will keep coming to light from different parts of the country every day.
Nirbhaya’s mother mentioned the incident of rape and murder of a female trainee doctor in Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College. She said that when girls are not safe in Kolkata’s medical college and a barbaric incident can be committed against them, then it can be understood what is the state of women’s safety in the country. Targeting the Chief Minister of West Bengal, she said, ‘Mamata Banerjee is the head of the state government. An incident that shames humanity takes place in her state, in which police negligence comes to light, after which the court orders a CBI inquiry into the matter. Mamata should resign from her post.’
What did he say about the incident of attacking the hospital?
Nirbhaya’s mother said that it is shameful that a mob of unruly elements attacked the hospital premises, destroyed evidence related to the incident and attacked the protesting doctors. Let us tell you that the body of the trainee doctor was found in the seminar room of RG Kar Hospital on August 9. The police arrested an accused the next day in this connection. The former principal of this college, Dr. Sandeep Ghosh, appeared before the CBI for questioning in the case for the second consecutive day on Saturday. The agency took the former principal of the hospital with them for questioning on Friday and he was questioned till 1:40 am late night. An official said that Ghosh was made to sit in the room of the CBI office located in CGO Complex till 9:30 pm, after which his interrogation started. Ghosh reached the CBI office for the second time for questioning on Saturday morning a little before 10:30 am.