The prime accused in the rape of a minor girl in Assam allegedly escaped from police custody late Friday night and jumped into a pond at Dhing in Nagaon district, leading to his death, an official said. People of the accused’s village Borbheti have decided not to attend his funeral and not allow his burial in the village graveyard.
Nagaon Superintendent of Police (SP) Swapnil Deka told reporters that the accused, who was arrested on Friday, was handcuffed and taken to the spot where the crime allegedly took place at around 3.30 am to ascertain the crime scene. “The accused escaped from police custody by attacking a policeman and jumped into a pond,” Deka said.
He said that the SDRF was immediately informed, a search operation was launched and her body was recovered after about two hours. The SP said that during this a policeman was also injured and has been admitted to the hospital. Police said that on Thursday night around 8 o’clock, a minor was returning home on a bicycle after tuition and was allegedly raped by three people. Three people came on a motorcycle and surrounded the minor.
They allegedly raped her and left her injured and unconscious on the roadside near a pond, police said. The Class 10 student was later found by locals who informed the police. Meanwhile, the villagers of Borbheti held a meeting on Saturday morning and took three decisions regarding the crime committed by the youth.
“We have decided not to allow his burial in the village graveyard, not to attend his ‘janaza’ (funeral ceremony) and to socially boycott his family,” said Mohammed Shahjahan Ali Chowdhary, a village elder.
He said, ‘This crime of the youth of the village has brought shame to us and we cannot allow him to be buried in the community cemetery.’
Meanwhile, a march was also taken out from the village mosque to protest the incident. State Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma had said on Friday that strict action would be taken against the culprits. Sharma, who is touring three districts of Barak Valley, said that there is a difference in the ways of Assam and Bengal in dealing with such cases. He said, “In Bengal, when women are tortured, the criminals get protection and the police action remains questionable. In Assam, a heinous crime was committed with a minor girl, the accused was immediately arrested. “
Sharma said he had directed the state’s Director General of Police to visit the spot and investigate the incident. Police have arrested one person and detained another in the case while the search for the third accused is on.