Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actor Mohsin Khan is quite popular among TV viewers. During one of his recent interviews, Mohsin told that he had a mild heart attack last year. His liver was fatty even though he doesn’t drink alcohol. Mohsin told that due to this he had to be admitted to the hospital and had a lot of problems. When he was asked the reason, Mohsin told that perhaps he had health issues due to eating late and sleeping late. Know from a cardiologist which lifestyle mistakes are taking a toll on the heart.
Why is discipline of sleeping and eating necessary?
On Mohsin Khan’s heart attack, Live Hindustan spoke to cardiologist Dr. Aarti Lal Chandani. She explained how our sleeping and waking habits can reduce our lifespan. Dr. Chandani says, if there is no discipline in eating and drinking, the heart has to bear the brunt of it. We eat different types of food which contain triglycerides. Not eating on time also increases stress. Apart from this, sleeping and waking is also a big factor. If you sleep too much, you get stressed, food is not digested properly. On the other hand, the food of those who sleep less is not digested. They are not alert, their heart rate will increase, they will feel nervous and confused. Their body parts will not get oxygen and the intestines will move less due to which food will not be digested.
What to do if you have a night shift
Dr Aarti Lal Chandani also advised that those who work night shifts should reschedule their life cycle according to their shift. Finish your work at night and take complete rest during the day. If this is not done, life gets shortened. It is important to keep your circadian rhythm right. For this, take at least six hours of sleep. There should be an interval of 8-8 hours between meals, if this is not done, you will fall. You should not stay hungry either. If you have to keep a gap, then it should not be more than 10-12 hours. Keep this gap between dinner and morning meals. Overnight fasting is fine but do not keep a long gap during the day. Try to eat from sunrise to sunset. After this, take rest.
connection of the liver to the heart
On the connection of fatty liver with heart disease, Dr. Aarti Lal Chandani said that fatty liver produces cholesterol. Do not eat too many fatty foods, keep your diet balanced, which should have a balanced amount of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fibers. If you have fatty liver, reduce carbohydrates. Eat more lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, curry etc.