Neeraj Chopra won the silver medal in the Paris Olympic Games 2024. Neeraj Chopra’s brand value is going to cross Rs 330 crore after the Paris Olympic Games, if this happens then Neeraj Chopra can overtake Indian star all-rounder Hardik Pandya in terms of brand value. Before the Paris Olympics, the brand value of Neeraj Chopra and Hardik Pandya was almost equal, but after winning the silver medal in the Paris Olympics, Neeraj’s brand value will benefit. According to financial advisory Kroll, Neeraj Chopra’s brand value is going to cross Rs 330 crore.
Neeraj Chopra has the highest brand value among non-cricketer sportspersons in India. Neeraj Chopra won the gold medal in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and then won the silver medal in the Paris Olympic Games. At the same time, Manu Bhaker won bronze medals in two events for India in shooting at the Paris Olympic Games. Manu Bhaker’s brand value has also increased rapidly after the Paris Olympic Games. According to the report, before the Paris Olympic Games, Bhaker’s endorsement fee was Rs 25 lakh, which has now crossed Rs 1 crore.
Manu Bhaker has done a deal with soft drink brand Thums Up for Rs 1.5 crore. CEO and MD of IOS Sports and Entertainment, Nirav Tomar, told the Times of India that about 40 brands have approached Manu Bhaker since the Paris Olympics. IOS Sports and Entertainment manages Manu Bhaker. Although Vinesh Phogat did not win a medal for India, her brand value has also increased. Before the Paris Olympics, Vinesh Phogat’s endorsement fee was Rs 25 lakh, which has now increased to Rs 1 crore. Vinesh Phogat had secured a medal by making it to the finals, but on the day of the final match, she was disqualified due to being 100 grams overweight in the 50 kg category.