South film superstar and Tamilaga Vetri Kazhagam (TVK) chief Vijay released his party’s flag on Thursday morning. The event is being organised a month ahead of the party’s state-level convention in Villupuram on September 22. “Our flag will fly across the state from tomorrow,” Vijay said. Vijay had announced the launch of his own party in February.
During this, Vijay said, “Now Tamil Nadu will be better. Victory is certain.” He said that this flag is a symbol of efforts for the development of Tamil Nadu. The party is preparing vigorously for the state level conference. This function will be organized after the release of Vijay’s new film The Greatest of All Time. This film is releasing on 5 September. Talking about films, he has expressed commitment for his next film with director H Vinoth. This film is being said to be the last film of his three decade long film career.
Actor Vijay, who is awaiting Venkat Prabhu’s film ‘GOAT’, had announced his entry into politics in view of the 2026 state elections. After this, on Thursday, he released the flag and symbol of his party Tamilaga Vetri Kazhagam. Vijay has described politics as his deepest desire. He has also said that he wants to serve Tamil Nadu.