Monday, September 2 was a special and historic day for India in the Paralympic Games 2024. Indian players performed brilliantly and won not one or two but a total of 8 medals in a single day. These included two gold medals. Javelin thrower Sumit Antil won the gold medal for the second consecutive time, while Nitish Kumar also won the gold medal in para badminton. Apart from this, India also got 3-3 silver and bronze medals on the same day. Till September 1, India had 7 medals in its account, but after September 2, the number of medals has reached 15.
Yogesh Kathuniya started the day with a silver medal. He won the silver medal in Men’s Discus Throw F56. Nitish Kumar then won the gold medal for India in Badminton Men’s Singles SL3, which was India’s second gold medal at Paris 2024. The bronze medal then came to India’s account. Manisha Ramdas won the bronze medal in Badminton Women’s Singles SU5 and Tulsimati Murugesan won the silver medal in the same event. Another medal in badminton for India was IAS Suhas Yathiraj. He won the silver medal in Men’s Singles SL4. He also won medals at the Tokyo Paralympics.
After this, India’s mixed team in archery won the bronze medal in the compound open. Rakesh Kumar and Sheetal Devi won this medal. Late night Sumit Antil won the gold medal for the country in Javelin Throw F64, which was the second gold medal of the day and the third gold medal of the Games for India. At the same time, Nitya Sri Sivan won the bronze medal in Women’s Singles SH6, which was the 8th medal of the day for India in the Paralympic Games 2024.
So far they have won medals in Paralympics 2024
Avani Lekhara – Gold
Mona Agarwal – Bronze
Preeti Pal – Bronze
Manish Narwal – Silver
Rubina Francis – Bronze
Preeti Pal – Bronze
Nishad Kumar – Silver
Yogesh Kathunia – Silver
Nitish Kumar – Gold
Manisha Ramdas – Bronze
Tulsimathi Murugesan – Silver
Suhas Yathiraj – Silver
Rakesh Kumar/Sheetal Devi – Bronze
Sumit Antil – Gold
Nitya Sri Sivan – Bronze