Prime Minister Modi is addressing the MPs leaving the Rajya Sabha in the Upper House today. During this, PM Modi said that MPs never bid farewell. During this, the Prime Minister also praised former PM Manmohan Singh a lot. During this, while attacking Congress, PM Modi said that today the country is touching new peaks of prosperity in the last 10 years. A grand and divine atmosphere has been created and today an attempt has been made to blacken it so that it does not get affected. I thank Kharge ji a lot for that too so that our journey of progress does not go unnoticed. I also welcome it (black paper) because whenever a good thing happens, black mark is very important so that it does not get noticed.”
“Manmohan Singh came in his wheelchair and…”
Let us tell you that while bidding farewell to the MPs whose tenure is ending today, Prime Minister Modi appreciated the contribution of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh towards the House and the country. PM Modi said, “Today I want to remember Dr. Manmohan Singh, his contribution is huge… Dr. Manmohan Singh for the way he has guided this House and the country for so long.” Will always be remembered.”
PM Modi said, “I remember that in the other House, during voting, it was known that the ruling party would win, but Dr. Manmohan Singh came in his wheelchair and cast his vote. This is a sign of a member being conscious of his duties. is an example of.” The PM said that the question is not who he had come to give power to. I believe that he had come to give strength to democracy.”
“The House receives new vitality every 2 years”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in the Rajya Sabha that this House receives a new vitality and energy after every 2 years. The farewell that happens every two years is not a farewell in any way, rather they leave behind such memories here which are a priceless legacy for the new batch to come.
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