The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Saturday, 31 August announced the Indian Under-19 team along with the schedule of the upcoming multi-format series against Australia. Samit Dravid, son of former India captain and coach Rahul Dravid, has been selected in the Under-19 team for the first time. Samit has been selected in both the ODI and four-day squads. This Under-19 series between India and Australia will start from September 21. Three ODIs and two four-day matches will be played between India and Australia.
Uttar Pradesh middle-order batsman Mohammad Aman has been named the captain of the 50-over team, while Madhya Pradesh’s Soham Patwardhan will lead the team for the four-day matches.
Samit Dravid recently played his first senior men’s T20 tournament in Karnataka in the form of Maharaja T20 Trophy where he is a part of the Mysore Warriors team.
Batting in the middle order, Samit has so far scored 82 runs in seven innings at a strike rate of 114 and today his team Mysore Warriors is playing the semi-final match.
The India Under-19 team will play three 50-over matches against Australia Under-19 in Puducherry on September 21, 23 and 26, followed by two four-day matches in Chennai on September 30 and October 7.
Indian squad for home multi-format series against Australia
Squad for ODI series: Rudra Patel (VC) (GCA), Sahil Parakh (MAHCA), Kartikeya KP (KSCA), Mohammed Aman (C) (UPCA), Kiran Chormale (MAHCA), Abhigyan Kundu (WK) (MCA), Harvansh Singh Pangalia (WK) (SCA), Samit Dravid (KSCA), Yudhajit Guha (CAB), Samarth N (KSCA), Nikhil Kumar (UTCA), Chetan Sharma (RCA), Hardik Raj (KSCA), Rohit Raj Awat (MPCA), Mohammed Enan (KCA)
Squad for the four-day series: Vaibhav Suryavanshi (Bihar CA), Nitya Pandya (BCA), Vihan Malhotra (VC) (PCA), Soham Patwardhan (C) (MPCA), Kartikey KP (KSCA), Samit Dravid (KSCA), Abhigyan Kundu (WK) (MCA), Harvansh Singh Pangalia (WK) (SCA), Chetan Sharma (RCA), Samarth N (KSCA), Aditya Rawat (CAU), Nikhil Kumar (UTCA), Anmoljit Singh (PCA), Aditya Singh (UPCA), Mohammed Enan (KCA)