Despite the rebellion of former Chief Minister Champai Soren in JMM in Jharkhand, BJP may have to work hard to return to power in the upcoming assembly elections. The party faces tough challenges on both internal and external fronts. However, its two main strategists, Union Minister and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma are busy making a strong strategy for the return of BJP to power in the state, in which wooing tribal voters is the most important.
In the recent Lok Sabha elections in Jharkhand, BJP suffered a major setback on tribal seats. It lost all the seats reserved for scheduled tribes in the state and this was the reason why BJP’s Lok Sabha seats decreased from 11 to eight. The loss on tribal seats can become a big problem for BJP in the assembly elections. However, BJP has handed over the command of the state’s election strategy to its two strong leaders. These include Union Minister and former Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.
BJP needs a strong tribal leader
Champai Soren’s rebellion in JMM is also being linked to BJP’s strategy. Champai is a strong leader of JMM and a respected tribal leader. This is the reason why Hemant Soren made Champai the Chief Minister when he went to jail, but when he returned from jail, he removed Champai and became the Chief Minister himself. Since then, there was a rift between the two. Here, BJP also needs a strong leader in tribal areas. Due to running the government under non-tribal leadership in its previous government, the tribal community has distanced itself from BJP.
BJP’s eye on Champai
Former Chief Minister Babulal Marandi has returned to the BJP, but he is no longer as effective as before. BJP’s other prominent tribal leader, former Chief Minister Arjun Munda, lost the Lok Sabha elections, and he may now contest the assembly elections. According to sources, despite these two prominent tribal leaders, the BJP did not gain from the tribal areas in the Lok Sabha elections, so it is eyeing JMM leader Champai Soren. However, he has not yet clarified his position.
Taking steps by examining the situations
BJP sources say that Champai’s arrival will be beneficial, but it is also necessary to deal with the sympathy that Hemant Soren has received from the tribal community due to his going to jail and coming out. Champai can be a profitable deal for them in this matter. However, BJP wants to fully assess the situation before bringing Champai along.