The audience is eagerly waiting for Kangana Ranaut’s film Emergency. The film is going to be released in theaters on 06 September. In this film, Kangana Ranaut will be seen playing the role of former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi. Kangana’s fans are eager to see her in the role of Indira. At the same time, Kangana is also continuously becoming a part of different interviews due to the promotion of the film. In one such interview, Kangana was asked a question about Indira Gandhi and the Prime Minister.
What did Kangana Ranaut say on the comparison between Narendra Modi and Indira Gandhi?
In an interview with Aaj Tak, Kangana Ranaut was asked that you consider PM Narendra Modi as the most powerful PM of the country, but does she still believe the same even after living through Indira Gandhi’s era in the film, because Congress says that Indira Gandhi was the most powerful PM of the country because she had divided Pakistan into two parts? To this Kangana said that just because you praise someone, give respect to someone, it does not mean that you are insulting someone. That time was different, that era was different.
‘Mrs Gandhi was kept out by the American President’
Kangana further said, “In the 70s, it used to take six months to get a gas connection. Our films also show that the common man was full of frustration. That is why there was a mass movement. Today we are in a different world. Today India has become the third economy. And you will see in the world, unfortunately, the American President used to keep Mrs Gandhi outside. How he used to talk to her. And today look at our Prime Minister.”
Kangana said- Jawaharlal Nehru was well received in America
She said, “You cannot take anything from anyone. That time was different, that era was different. But I definitely believe that if the country was in the hands of the people and not in the hands of a family, then perhaps this era would not have come so late.” Kangana said that Jawaharlal Nehru was given a good welcome in America, Indira Gandhi also wanted the same, but it did not happen due to diplomacy with Pakistan.
Kangana was talking about this incident
He said, “We are not judging anyone. We are saying what we have found out through our research. And if you are a true Indian, the way President Nixon behaved with Mrs Gandhi and what he said about her (Indira Gandhi) after meeting her, your heart will be hurt, you will feel very bad.” It is worth mentioning that in the year 1971, before the Indo-Pakistan war, when Indira Gandhi reached America, the then American President Nixon made Indira Gandhi wait for 45 minutes before the meeting.