New Delhi: 10 years have passed since the launch of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. On this occasion, the ‘Modi Archive’ account on the social media platform ‘X’ has shared an old video clip of PM Narendra Modi. In this, PM Modi is seen telling an anecdote from his school days. This video is from the year 2014 in which PM Modi is telling an anecdote from his childhood days during the ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana’ program.
PM Modi says, “I was studying in a school in my village and during that time people from Dena Bank came to our school. They used to give us piggy banks and explain how to save money. Due to this, we also opened an account in the bank and I was also given a piggy bank. That piggy bank never got filled. Because my background was not such that I could ever put money in it.”
Why were the bank officials looking for PM Modi?
He further said, “The account was opened, but I left school and village. But the bank people started looking for me. Perhaps they searched for me for 20 years because they wanted to close the account. Then I came to know that in those days efforts were made to close the account. But today efforts are being made to open accounts and I consider this to be the sunrise in the lives of the poor.”
Modi Archive shared the video
While sharing the video, Modi Archive also wrote a caption on the ‘X’ account. It read, “More than five decades ago, a young school student opened a bank account by explaining the importance of savings. At that time he had no idea that this would teach him a very important lesson. A lesson that shows the importance of saving”
He further wrote, “The financial condition of the family was such that the student did not have the means to deposit money in a bank account even after growing up. The system saw the account lying unused for decades as a burden and made continuous efforts to close it. Finally, after 20 years, he himself decided to close it. This young boy was none other than Prime Minister Narendra Modi.”
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