Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat has made a big statement on the turbulent environment prevailing around the world in recent times. Mohan Bhagwat has said that the evil forces that flourish in the rest of the world fall in India. Mohan Bhagwat has said that evil forces are present all over the world, and their evil deeds continue everywhere. Let us know in what context the RSS chief has given this statement.
Bangladesh is not the first case- Mohan Bhagwat
In fact, while addressing the Vedsevak Samman Sohala organized by Mohan Bhagwat Sadguru Group on Wednesday, Mohan Bhagwat said that Bangladesh is not the first case. The first case is of America. I read a book written by an American author titled ‘Cultural Development of America’, in which he has discussed the cultural decline of America in the last 100 years. He said that this decline was repeated in Poland, then in Arab countries in the form of ‘Arab Revolution’, and recently it happened in Bangladesh.
These forces lead to downfall in India- Mohan Bhagwat
RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said that those who want to strengthen their hold on the world and believe that they are right while others are wrong, such arrogant tendencies want to pit people against each other and want to take advantage of it. Bhagwat said that due to such tendencies ‘disasters’ occur and nations are ruined. He said that we need to keep an eye on such tendencies without any fear. History shows that such forces emerge and eventually reach India and they fall here.
Distrust is increasing among the educated class these days- RSS chief
In the program, Mohan Bhagwat also said that disbelief and disbelief are increasing nowadays, especially among the educated class. This is because they do not have any example to follow. Mohan Bhagwat said that untouchability has no place in the scriptures, but it exists in practice. He asked that if someone converts to another religion after getting fed up with such stubborn behavior of Hinduism, then who should be blamed for this. (input language)
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