Badlapur News: There is outrage over the incident of sexual assault of two four-year-old girls in Badlapur of Thane district of Maharashtra. Protests are going on from railway tracks to roads. The accused in this case has been identified as Akshay Shinde, who has been arrested by the police. Meanwhile, a complaint filed by the parents of one of the girls has revealed how Shinde committed the crime.
The FIR mentions that the girl was sexually abused by a sweeper working in the school. India Today’s report cites the FIR as saying that the incident took place between 9 am and 12 noon on August 13. The family of one of the girls got suspicious after talking to the family of the other girl on August 13. The family of the other girl said that they were going to lodge a complaint of sexual abuse.
The FIR states that after this the girl’s father also decided to get her medical test done. According to the website, the complaint states that the medical report revealed that the girl’s hymen was broken. The complaint also states that the girl was very scared and she told the family that in school ‘Dada’ took off her clothes and touched her private parts.
The report quoted sources as saying that the family has said that they informed the police about the incident on August 16. Allegations are being made that the police registered the FIR after 12 hours at 9 pm on August 16.
fierce performance
Thousands of protesters blocked the tracks at Badlapur railway station and stormed the school premises on Tuesday after two four-year-old girls were allegedly sexually assaulted by a sweeper in the school toilet, PTI reported. Police lathi-charged the protesters on the tracks, who were pelting stones at policemen. Hundreds of protesters, including angry parents, vandalised the school building to express their anger against the sexual assault of the girls.