Actor-turned-politician Suresh Gopi has created a stir by giving a statement on Wednesday. Suresh Gopi, the only BJP Lok Sabha member from Kerala, is the Minister of State in the Petroleum and Natural Gas and Tourism departments in the Modi government. He said that he would be happy if he is relieved from the post of minister. Suresh Gopi has said in the statement that acting is his passion and he cannot live without films. He said that if I am removed from the post of Minister of State due to this, I would be very happy.
Why does Gopi want to step down from the post of minister?
Gopi was addressing a film body meeting in Kochi on Wednesday. “I had told this to my leaders before I became a minister. I met Amit Shah and he asked me how many films I had. I told him I had around 25 scripts and 22 films,” he said. Gopi said he was hopeful of getting permission to resume acting. “However, one thing I can tell you, I will resume acting for the film ‘Ottakomban’ on September 6,” he said.
“I am not able to give time to my voters in Thrissur”
The Union minister said with his responsibility as a minister he is not able to give time to his voters in Thrissur. “If I am relieved from the ministerial post, I can act and also be with the voters of my constituency,” he said. Gopi, who has done over 250 films in his career, started his career in the mid-80s and is known as the ‘Angry Young Man of Malayalam’. Gopi’s association with politics began after his closeness with four-time chief minister K Karunakaran of the Congress. However, he later quit the Congress. (IANS)
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