There is growing speculation about the replacement of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah in Karnataka over the MUDA issue. However, the party has not said anything officially about it. There are reports that the Congress high command is also seen to be active in this matter. It is being said that some leaders of the state are also pushing the name of Congress national president Mallikarjun Kharge.
According to the report of New Indian Express, the Congress high command is planning to choose the candidate unanimously to avoid controversy. Meanwhile, the opposition is also putting pressure to change the CM. According to the report, the party has not yet decided whether to hand over the command to Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar in place of Siddaramaiah or give a chance to a leader from the backward class.
Who’s in the race
According to the report, Shivakumar’s name is leading in place of Siddaramaiah. Meanwhile, the high command is exploring the possibility of giving the post to a backward class candidate to appease the backward class. The report quoted sources as saying that a group of party leaders is pushing Kharge’s name. At the same time, a group seems to be standing behind popular leaders like PWD Minister Satish Jarkiholi. At present, the party has not said anything officially.
Jarkiholi had reached Delhi
It is reported that Jarkiholi reached New Delhi on Sunday to meet senior leaders. With this, speculation has intensified that the party is planning to give him a chance. It is being said that he has the support of more than 30 MLAs, out of which 15 come from the Scheduled Tribe community. His family also has three MLAs, one MLC and one MP.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is also believed to have close ties with the Jarkiholi family. According to the report, party sources have said that if the party takes Siddaramaiah’s consent, Jarkiholi could be their choice. Sources were quoted as saying that MP Rahul Gandhi has also discussed political developments in the state with Jarkiholi.
It is reported that the top leaders of the party also discussed the matter with Home Minister Dr G Parameshwara.