BJP on Tuesday released its third list of 29 candidates for the Jammu and Kashmir assembly elections. According to this, Devinder Singh Rana has been given a ticket from the Nagrota seat.
The BJP on Monday announced the names of 16 candidates for the first phase of Jammu and Kashmir elections. In the first phase, voting will be held on September 18 in 16 assembly constituencies of South Kashmir and 8 assembly constituencies of Jammu region. The first list released by the party contains the names of 15 candidates, while the second list released shortly after this announced the name of only 1 candidate. Earlier, the party had released a list of 44 candidates for all three phases, including 10 for the second phase and 19 for the third phase. However, later the list of candidates released for the second and third phases was withdrawn and then the first list of names of 15 candidates was released for the first phase only.