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This is how Sunita Williams and her companions stay fit in space, there is a great gym in ISS; watch the video

Sunita Williams ISS Gym: These days space news is in the news. The reason for this is Sunita Williams. Sunita, who went on an eight-day space mission in June, is currently stuck there for eight months.

This is how Sunita Williams and her companions stay fit in space, there is a great gym in ISS; watch the video
Deepak Live HindustanSun, 15 Sep 2024 05:18 AM
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Sunita Williams ISS Gym: These days, space news is in the news. The reason for this is Sunita Williams. Sunita, who went on an eight-day space mission in June, is currently stuck there for eight months. Now Sunita Williams is in the International Space Station (ISS) along with Bull Wilmore and other colleagues. Maintaining fitness while living in space is a big challenge. But it is easy to do so thanks to the gym equipped with high-fi facilities in the ISS. Another NASA astronaut Loral O’Hara living in the ISS has shared a video of the space station on her X account. It shows a glimpse of the machines and other facilities present in the gym.

After the return of Boeing Airlines, Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore are staying at the International Space Station. NASA has recently informed that Sunita and Wilmore’s routine has been changed in view of their long stay at the ISS. Now they will have to focus more on exercise and other fitness related activities. Sunita and Wilmore will do all these activities in the high-tech gym of the space station. A glimpse of this is seen in the video shared by Loral O’Hara of the ISS gym. In her post on X, Loral has told that she has got a schedule of exercising for two and a half hours every day. This includes about one hour of weightlifting and 30 to 50 minutes of running or cycling. Apart from this, listening to music and podcasts, studying are also included in her routine.

There is zero gravity in space. The body floats in the air. In such a situation, it is not possible to do any exercise or other activity while standing or sitting. Special arrangements have been made for this in the gym of the International Space Station. It is seen in Lorel’s video that before running on the treadmill, the body has to be tied with special chain-like things. After this she starts her exercise. Similarly, special machines have been installed for pushups and weightlifting. There is no risk of losing balance or falling while exercising on it. This video shows how captivating the beautiful view of space is from the ISS.


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