For a healthy life, at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is very important for any person. Experts also say that not getting at least 6 hours of sleep makes the body feel tired, irritability and diseases also set in. But, a man from Japan sleeps only for 30 minutes a day for the last 12 years. He claims that this much sleep can increase his lifespan by almost double. This 40-year-old man claims that this much sleep is sufficient for him and he remains full of energy throughout the day despite such a short sleep. His daily activities include going to the gym, eating, working and roaming around etc.
Daisuke Hori, a Japanese man, claims that he has been sleeping for just 30 minutes a day for 12 years to maintain his longevity, reports the South China Morning Post. Hori, who lives in western Japan’s Hyogo Prefecture, said he has trained his body and brain to get 30 minutes of sleep. He also claimed that this routine has improved his efficiency. Hori said he drinks coffee an hour before playing or eating to avoid falling asleep.
Hori, a businessman by profession, believes that it is better to have good sleep than long sleep. He said, “People who need to concentrate continuously on their work benefit more from good sleep than long sleep. For example, doctors and fire brigade personnel have less rest periods but still remain full of energy during their work.”
To find out the truth of Hori’s claims of sleeping for just 30 minutes, Japan’s Yomiuri TV did a reality check in a reality show called ‘Will You Go With Me?’ Hori was monitored for three days and it was found in the show that he slept for only 26 minutes in the whole day. Despite this, he was full of energy throughout the day. He had breakfast, went to the gym, walked around, etc. Hori also started the Japan Short Sleepers Training Association in 2016. Here he gives good and high quality sleep and health classes to people. More than 2100 people take his classes.