Samajwadi Party (SP) president Akhilesh Yadav has reacted sharply to the statement of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in which he took a dig at his cap. The SP chief has said that those who are criticizing him and his party’s red cap may themselves need a cap. Earlier, Yogi Adityanath had said that the red cap of SP is red and its deeds are black.
Earlier, Yadav, who had come to Kannauj to meet supporters and thank them for their support during the Lok Sabha elections, defended his party, saying, “Red is the colour of emotions. Red is the colour of Goddess Durga.”
Taking a dig at Yogi Adityanath, Akhilesh Yadav said, “They are misusing our cap, yet our behaviour is very good. At least we have full hair, that’s why we are wearing the cap. Those who don’t have hair should also wear caps,” India Today reported.
Akhilesh Yadav said that the Chief Minister is unable to accept the defeat in the Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh. That is why he is giving such statements. Akhilesh said, “Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath could not bear the shock of defeat in Uttar Pradesh and that is why he is giving such statements.”
Akhilesh Yadav also criticised Yogi Adityanath’s comments about the situation in Bangladesh and said, “If he has something in mind about a foreign issue, he should talk to Prime Minister Modi and the Foreign Minister. In fact, he wants to spread chaos on the streets.”
Yadav took a tough stand on the issue of caste census and reacted to the Telugu Desam Party’s (TDP) talk of skill census. He warned the BJP against being clever in this matter. He advocated counting castes and ensuring the rights and dignity of all communities, saying, “Caste census means caste census.”