Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister and NCP chief Ajit Pawar has given a very strict statement on those who sexually harass girls. He said, ‘Those who touch our girls should be shown such wrath of the law that they cannot even think twice about doing so.’ Pawar said that if I were to say it in my language, I would say that they should be made impotent. Only then they will not commit such a crime again. This is what should be done with these people who are so useless.
A sweeper sexually assaulted two 4-year-old girls in a school in Badlapur of Thane district. There is an atmosphere of anger in the country including Maharashtra regarding this. A massive protest was held in Pune on Tuesday in protest against this incident. Thousands of people blocked roads and railway tracks. During this, there was also a clash between the protesters and the police. The opposition coalition Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) had called for a state-wide bandh on August 24 to protest against the sexual harassment of girls. However, the Bombay High Court on Friday barred political parties or individuals from calling for the proposed Maharashtra bandh on August 24 or any future date.
Sharad Pawar joined the silent protest in Pune
At the same time, Nationalist Congress Party (Sharadchandra Pawar) President Sharad Pawar also gave a statement on the Badlapur case on Saturday. He said that the incident of sexual harassment of two KG girls in Badlapur school has tarnished the image of Maharashtra in the country. Pawar accused the state government of forgetting that the safety of women is its responsibility. Pawar, who participated in the silent protest in Pune, said that if the government thinks that the opposition is doing politics on the Badlapur incident, then it is insensitive. NCP (SP) is a constituent of the opposition alliance Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA), which also includes Congress and Uddhav Thackeray-led Shiv Sena (Uttar Pradesh).